Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hello, My Name is Student

       To start off the year I should introduce myself. My name is Jamie Callahan. I am a high school sophomore. My History 10 blog will include many blogs having to do with the things we are learning in class at the time. My first task given was to decide what makes a good teacher. What makes a great teacher is such a hard question because they have so many jobs. A teachers main job is obviously to teach their students curriculum and make them advance in that subject. But, I think a job that not all teachers take is the task of teaching lessons outside the curriculum that can stay in a students mind for a lasting period in time. Things like social advice, advances in the world of technology or even just those small random facts have always stuck in my mind after the numerous years in school. When I think of some past teachers that I really admired, the name Ms. Gilbert stands out the most in my mind. Even though eight grade earth science was never my strong suit, I always looked forward to that class. The way Ms. Gilbert involved the class with the learning and always kept the subject interesting made learning about rocks just a little more bearable. Even when I was totally lost and confused, she was always there after school willing to help me until I was fully prepared. My favorite thing about Ms. Gilbert though is the talks we shared after the lesson was done. She cared so much about her students problems and was willing to help them through rough times made her a very trusted and admiral teacher. The thing that my teachers could do this year that would help me immensely is just being available for extra help when I need it. I know that there is nothing more over whelming for a student than having to move on from a lesson they don't fully understand. With just some of the things just mentioned, a student could become much more successful.
         On author and Youtuber John Greens youtube channel named vlogbrothers, he posted a video called "An Open Letter to Students Returning to School". This video goes into great detail about the importance of education on world and how it is the duty for students to use there education to do great things. I agree with John Greens thinking because amazing inventions that we use today were made from the educations of schools. If we use the education that we get today, we could have the newest invention breakthrough. I plan to utilize my education to the fullest this year. My hopes are to be on honor roll all four quarters. As well as my many sports go, my goals remain optimistic. I hope to learn new tumbling passes and tricks in cheering and gymnastics as well as obtain enough points in track to receive a varsity letter. I know I can reach all my goals this year if I put in all my effort. Staying focused is probably going to be the hardest challenge when trying to reach my goals, but with time I will be able to stay productive and become successful.  I know I can make this year a great one.

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